So he targetted you, persisted, and coerced you into giving it up. Is it weird if a guy asks me out to see a movie and then I have to figure the times, the movie, and the directions. I mean…he did pay but this seems strange to me. It has only been 2 days he might have something else he needs to attend to. It seems she got comfortable with you and wants you to be a part of what she is doing. I think its really sad that you are going to end it with her because she is interested in you.
He probably just doesn’t realize that it matters all that much to you and he’s doing his thing. Eric, I’ve just read this post and would like your advice as you seem to have a good outlook on relationships etc. I have been seeing this guy for about 3 months and he has backed away and i have been reading about what this means and what i have done for this to happen.
These men are scared, even though what they want from you is sex only. I have been chatting online with BiCupid profiles this guy for like a month. At the beginning he contacted me almost everyday and chased me really hard.
If he texts you right away
I thought he must be busy so I rang that night anyway. Obviously I was crushed as he said he’d be honest. I know it was probably needy but I thought maybe he’d lost his phone. I don’t know what happened in those 3 days to make him change his mind. I am really surprised that people are thinking this way about texts. I’m a girl and I totally take the guy approach to texting.
Don’t reach out to his friends
Now he hasn’t been on the dating website much. When he was talking to me he was online every time I sent a message. And I’m guessing they were to read my messages.
It has been a week and nothing is different. He hasnt called in a week but still texts he loves me at bedtime 5 of 7 nights. When he texts he still calls me babe. I have NO idea what is happening as he will nit sgare, only keeps saying he needs time to sort things out or time to work on things there. I’m scared he is second guessing things.
Now over a decade later he’s back in my life. We’ve both come out of long term relationships (me with children). We went away for what was a lovely break.
You can talk about what’s going on and share your feelings with them. If he’s not answering your texts, the best thing to do is call up a friend. If you text him while you’re angry, he’s likely to respond defensively, which could lead to an argument or uncomfortable conversations that could be avoided. If it’s been a few days since your last text, but still no reply from him, try giving him some space to see what happens. You’ll notice a guy reply less and less over a few days before going completely MIA. If you’re trying to get a response from him within a short period of time, don’t be afraid to be direct about it, as it shows him that you respect yourself and your time.
When you give them space they sometimes come back on their own and then you can decide, not him, if you want to continue or not. Go out with your friends or do stuff you like to do and put him on the back burner. It means that he still love you and probably he scared that you guys might end up in a problem again. Well as you said that he talks to girls a lot when u around and not when you are not, this is to create a bad inspiration on him so that you will hate him. I guess probably he needs you but he just scared.
Many guys drop the hint and hope you are the one that figures it out and moves on. Cheesy but you always need to keep this reasoning in mind. Understand that you’re not playing a game.