To avoid accusations of favoritism, abuse of authority and sexual harassment, we prohibit supervisors from dating employees who report to them. This restriction may extend to every manager within two levels above an employee, regardless of team or department to facilitate moving or promoting employees. We don’t want to place undue restrictions on employees dating colleagues, as we acknowledge that freedom of choosing one’s partner is an individual’s right.
An employer who wishes to do something about consensual relationships between employees has a couple of options. However, the policy must be carefully drafted to avoid several potential problems. Expectations should be clearly stated during regular, periodic sexual harassment trainings. This ensures that company policies, expectations, and guidelines are directly and clearly communicated to your employees, and there is no confusion regarding issues of dating in the workplace or sexual harassment. In short, a clearly defined employee dating policy is vital because it protects employees, protects the company, provides necessary guidelines for workplace behavior, and reduces workplace distractions.
Certainly, romantic relationships in the workplace do present valid concerns for businesses. Some company policies, however, may state that employees can only be terminated for good cause. In this situation, it comes down to the question of whether dating a coworker falls into the good cause requirement. Because of all of these nuances, an employer may want to ask a lawyer before firing employees for dating. Office romances may make compelling stories, but they can also lead to serious legal trouble for employers.
While these laws may protect employees who are simply dating outside of work, they won’t condone conduct that would impact the workplace, such as favoritism on the job or harassment . When it comes time to create an employee handbook, most employers are quick to come up with policies related to time off, benefits, and pay. But there are other important policies to consider, too—and some of them can be a little more difficult to tackle, such as an employee dating policy. A general workplace dating policy or non fraternization policy should address all types of potentially contentious relationships that occur in the workplace, including friends, family members and romantic partners working together.
Educating employees about courtship rules in the workplace can help workers navigate the gray areas of an office romance. Stanger is in the process of launching her own “Modern Day Courtship Class” in Silicon Valley. In the wake of the “Me Too” movement, many business leaders are reevaluating their company’s sexual harassment, anti-fraternization or dating policies.
If an employer is having trouble finding the right policy, then it may be helpful to consult an employment lawyer to figure out which policy best fits the circumstances of a particular business. In a consensual relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate, the subordinate often is the recipient of preferential treatment. The exception, of course, is where a supervisor propositions many employees, and only those who acquiesce receive preferential treatment.
Love at Work: 5 Things for Employers to Know
The best way for employers to communicate fraternization or dating policies is by including their rules in an Employee Handbook. The handbook may refer to all relevant state laws in addition to federal laws and regulations, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Whether employees must notify their employer of a relationship depends on whether the employer has a dating policy that requires it. Employees are also obliged to behave appropriately towards their colleagues who date each other.
Sexual behavior and/or public displays of affection will not be tolerated at work. While Becca and Meryl remain friends, Becca says that the whole experience has made her want to steer clear from having another relationship at work. Heather left the company about nine months into their relationship for unrelated reasons, and she and Alex wed several years later. While they no longer work together, they are still happily married.
Can a Workplace Relationship Be Considered Harassment?
A possible solution is to separate the employees in question, possibly reassigning one or both. An employer would want to ensure that the separation is not inconvenient to their current job performance. It is always important to determine who the harasser is before punishing anyone. The first line of defense when dating a coworker is to uncover any hidden agendas. Whether you are the boss, a frontline employee or middle management, it’s important to determine if there is an ulterior motive behind the request.
Legal information and other services are delivered by or through Rocket Lawyer via We can’t stop employees from forming relationships with one another and trying to prohibit them from doing so could incite deceit, resentment and gossip. Maintain professionalism despite the status of the relationship and seek advice from their managers or HR to solve any issues. Employees who dated supervisors might sue for sexual harassment if they are terminated.
Consider any possible conflict of interest before they enter into a relationship with a coworker. This policy does not restrict participating in labor unions or other labor or civil rights organizations. Employees need to know who to tell when they begin dating a colleague. Consider implementing an anonymous process to save any embarrassment.
You should do everything possible to prove that you’re treating every team member in a fair and professional way. Document every information or incident necessary for performance reviews and ask for your manager or HR’s advice if you need to discipline or reward your former partner. Without prying into the why, remind couples who may be experiencing conflict of the resources available to them under your company’s employee assistance program , including relationship counseling and help with a wide range of personal issues. If we discover that a hiring manager hired their partner, HR may move one of them to another team or branch where one won’t supervise the other.