On the negative side, the emotionally contained Melancholic may feel uneasy about the intense passion of the emotional Phlegmatic. But, they have a lot of incredible ideals and qualities to bring to relationships. Generally, melancholics find it difficult to make a move, let alone make the first move.
With whom are phlegmatic people psychologically compatible?
The Choleric-Melancholy is more detail oriented and sensitive than the other Choleric combinations. This combination naturally likes developing a strategy to accomplish a goal. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach, and will follow through. They are very possessive of family time, material things, and friends.
Best Careers for Melancholics
They are assertive, strong-minded, believe in themselves and are confident. At the same time, they have some pretty negative traits as well. They do not like to be challenged and might use bullying tactics to force others into submission.
Often, they won’t pick up on or understand sarcasm as easily as other personality types. Sanguines allow a harsh word here or there to roll off their back. But the melancholic personality type will latch onto details and struggle to let them go. Very often, these individuals simply hate each other.
Due to decisiveness, he is able to abruptly end the relationship. Women also attract the opposite sex with their activity. In family life, they are characterized by explosions in character, aggression and passion. The Sanguine-Melancholy tends to warm up slowly to new people because they are unsure of how they are being received. Once they feel safe or accepted, they become more friendly.
First, melancholics are often misunderstood in their relationships or among friends. For a temperament that suffers from extreme sensitivity, they often struggle to express themselves. Except for mel-sans, melancholics are not great at communicating their feelings. While the cholerics detest emotions, melancholics are acutely aware of their emotions. While this is true, other MBTI types can also be melancholics.
This means that you will choose a likely path, and then do what is necessary accomplishment-wise to get there. People with a melancholic personality are quite very proud of themselves and their accomplishments. If you are like this, then you will likely display items that show your accomplishments.
Because of their many peculiarities, melancholics are often misjudged and treated wrongly. It requires patience and a great deal of understanding. Also, due to a constant preoccupation with the future, melancholics try to cross bridges before getting to them. Because they observe and deliberate on every detail, they are very slow in making decisions. As a result, they will avoid being in front of a crowd.
This can strain their relationship with their loved ones. Thus, they might feel their situation is different or worse. When this happens, they neglect the needs of others.
Here a few resources to continue growing in knowledge of the four temperaments. Genevieve Cunningham writes about the subject from a Catholic perspective. Reverend Conrad Hock has also written on the four temperaments. Finally, www.datingjet.org Dr. D. W. Ekstrand writes extensively on the four temperaments. These are your people who put their money where their mouth is. They talk big and act big, they think words are cheap, and action speaks louder than words.
Even, let’s say, a type is inclined more to pessimism, the person could change this inclination to optimism. If you are blessed with a phlegmatic child, realize that they need direct and positive motivation. Do not expect them to respond in immediate enthusiasm.